Merchant NewsletterNovember 5, 2010"Girls Night Out" Tickets Went On Sale Today!Tickets for our preview shopping night went on sale today. Tickets are $8 online or $10 at the door. Friday night shopping hours will be 5-9, with live Christmas jazz, a candy buffet, hot cocoa, cider, coffee, tons of door prizes... oh and did we mention the amazingly packed swag bags for the first 500 through the doors! A portion of the proceeds from Friday night's event will benefit the projects of the Junior League of NWA... so spread the word!
Each of you will receive two free tickets for your friends. You may pick them up at merchant registration on Friday morning, 11/19.
Here's the link for advance tickets: MarketingPlease e-mail all your friends and customers THIS WEEKEND. Here is a blurb, or feel free to write your own.
We are excited to be a part of the NWA Boutique Show... Friday and Saturday, November 19-20 at the NWA Convention Center in Springdale! Come shop over 130 amazing boutiques and literally thousands of custom and one-of-a-kind items!
Friday night is the "Girls Night Out" shopping event. Online tickets are $8 in advance or $10 at the door. There will be live Christmas jazz, awesome swag bags (for the first 500), a candy buffet, hot cocoa, coffee, cider, door prizes and more! A portion of proceeds will benefit the projects of The Junior League of NWA. Check out the NWA Boutique Show's Facebook page for a link to tickets.
Saturday shopping hours are 9-6 with free admission, concessions and door prizes.
For a sneak peek at all the great merchants, and to find directions and hours, check out the show website at
P.S. If you sign up on the main page of the website or the Facebook page, they will send you a "Preferred Shopper Fast Pass" so you can skip the lines on Saturday! The pass will also automatically enter you to win dozens of gift certificates donated by the merchants!
FacebookPlease copy and paste the above blurb and send it as a message to all your Facebook friends. We're watching to make sure everyone does their part on this. It is extremely important to the success of the show. The fact that it comes directly from someone they know is KEY. :o) If everyone pitches in, we can reach thousands of people in a snap!
Last Call for Swag BagsIf you would like to add something to the Swag Bags, please make sure your items are delivered no later than Wednesday, November 10th. Deliver to:
NWA Boutique Show
2752 E Boardwalk Court
Fayetteville, AR 72701
Can you help stuff bags? We'd love your help and we can chat (and stuff ourselves!) while we're doing it! We'll meet next Thursday, November 11th, at 7:00 p.m., at 2752 E Boardwalk Court in Fayetteville. Bring an appetizer or beverage to share!
PostcardsWell, there is good news and bad news. The bad news is that our supply has run out and some people still haven't come by to get their stack. Sorry guys! The good news is that means 15,000 postcards are circulating around NWA! If for some reason, you picked up too many... please, please, please drop those off at 2752 E Boardwalk Court so we can get those cards out to the public.
Radio, Newspaper, Magazines & Blogs! Oh My!Listen to Magic 107.9, Kix 104 and Mix 101.9 the week before the show for tons of Boutique Show radio spots and giveaways! Jennifer Erwin did an amazing job on our spot... can't wait for you to hear it.
Watch the Arkansas Democrat Gazette in the coming weeks for our newspaper ads!
Our magazine ads were featured this month in Citiscapes, NWA Metro Woman, Kids Directory and Peekaboo.
If you didn't see it... make sure to check out NWA Motherlode's blurb posted on Monday. The wonderful comments from readers are fun to read!
Extras for Your BoothIf you need electricity, phone, extra tables, a backdrop, etc., you will want to order those "extras" directly from the Convention Center by Monday, November 15. They will charge you double for floor orders the day of the show... so you want to make sure and get your order in on time.
You may mail them a check with your form or fax it to them with the credit card authorization form. Once again, here are links to those forms:
Extras Form for Merchant BoothCredit Card Authorization for Booth ExtrasCredit CardsWe will have open wi-fi for anyone who needs to use it. If you need a direct "dial 9" phone line, you will need to order that directly through the Convention Center via the "extras" form. Some people use "Pro-Pay" and some even have an app for their i-phone.
Booth Set-Up 10 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.Friday, November 19thPlease look back at our merchant blog for additional booth details. (you're already here!)
Click here for a working booth diagram:
11.05.10 Working Booth DiagramThere may be a few slight tweaks, but no significant changes past this point.
HotelsSpringdale Holiday Inn
Attached to NWA Convention Center
1500 South 48th Street
Springdale, AR 72762
Mention the NWA Boutique Show for $79 room rate
Fairfield Inn & Suites
1042 Rieff St.
Springdale, AR 72762
(About 1/2 Mile East of Convention Center)
Mention the NWA Boutique Show for $65 room rate